Friday, June 26, 2009

Film Internaship Week 5

My film internship at the Heinz History Center this week was pretty uneventful. I inspected two films. The first film I inspected was not in really bad condition, but I did think the color was off. The whole film was a magenta color. I was wondering if it was purposely filmed on a specific colored film stock or does the color or tint have something to do with the color deterioration of the film? The other film I inspected was entitled “Laser Animation.” The film was pretty dirty and has suffered a few scratches, but other than that looked pretty good. This was a neat one to inspect because it was a bunch of frames of bright lasers in different shapes. It reminded me of the laser light shows that were timed to music you would see at science centers or museums. I was pretty surprised how bright the colors remained after thirty plus years.

I also talked to David, my supervisor, today about some of the problems with the film collections and the storage spaces and conditions we are currently dealing with at the History Center. He said he would be glad to discuss this and some of his ideas and problems with the spaces further when I asked him about using the Heinz History Center as a case study for my paper. He also had some suggestions on literature that could be helpful for my paper, which I can look at next week.

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