Thursday, September 4, 2008

Readings for week 3

Into to Linux "Hands on Guide"

I FINALLY GET IT! My brother, a serious computer weenie, has been telling me about Linux for years! I never understood what he was talking about due to the barrier with his computer lingo and my lack there of. After reading this article, I finally understand what he is talking about and why it is such a good system. I never knew it was so compatible with so many computer systems and hardware. I think it might be something I would like to try some time and its free!

Mac OS X

The first article I found to be exhausting. I have used this system before and I had no clue what this guy was talking about. If I was one of the Linux users listening to this speech I would have gotten a really nice cat nap out of it. It ran on and a little too in depth for me. The Wikipedia article was much more concise and easier to comprehend. Although I do not have a Mac, I have used them numerous times and rather enjoy them. With the Wikipedia article I know one of the reasons why and that is that you can run numerous programs at one time and they do not all run into each other. I have this problem with my PC. Go Mac!

Paul Thurott "An Update on Windows Roadmap"

I have Windows Vista and quite frankly do not like it. I felt that this whole article was one big advertisement for you to buy more stuff to upgrade your Windows. It seems that everything you buy you need an update for and the whole system is made for you to go spend more money to update and if you don't your system will eventually suck so bad you will need to get another computer. The other thing about this article that creeps me out is the part about the "telemetry system" that gathers anonymous information about how real customer use Vista. They can't see me yelling at my computer almost daily because something is not working or is not compatible with the system! I also do not like that they get their information that way. Why not use a study group or something? It seems there are many compatibility issues with Vista as well and I guess it is getting worked on by IT. Well fellas let me know when you finally come up with something I can use.

Muddiest Point
I was slightly confused and overwelmed by the who idea of a binary system. Who came up with that and exactly what is the point of it?

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I agree with the Windows "sales pitch" feeling of the Vista article! And the "telemetry system" is very creepy.