Saturday, September 13, 2008


I commented on Maggie's blog

I am with you on the technical terms and computer language can be very daunting. What I have been doing, because the readings are a bit thick, is trying to take the parts I understand and apply them to what we are doing in class. We are not in school to be techies or we would not be in this major. I don't know if a tutorial would help unless you are actually doing things with computers, not just more technical reading. I think it is easier to understand through application. I have been just trying things out and using visual aids and it has helped me out.

I commented on Alesha's blog

I think Lucie was clearing up a discrepancy with her email asking that we have everything posted on Monday before class. Assignments, like the Flikr assignment is due Tuesday by 3pm along with any blog comments that need to be made. The readings and postings need to be in sometime on Friday the same week we had class. So we had class on Tuesday, readings and postings on Friday, Tuesday before class assignment. I hope this clears things up for you!

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