Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Week 7 Readings

How Internet Infrastructure Works-Jeff Tyson

This article was a basic informative overview of the structure of the internet, domain name servers, network access points and how they connect and work with other systems and components. I never really thought of the internet being a network of networks, but I guess it is. I also did not know there were different levels of domain names, so I thought that was pretty neat as well.

Dismantling Integrated Library Systems-Andrew Pace

I found this article slightly difficult to get through. The article discussed the changes from the traditional integrated library system to a much more sophisticated system. There are many options, but libraries need to figure out what will best suit their institution and at what cost, with the idea of integration being the key. I was curious about the information about open source software. It obviously allows libraries to offer more services, but the article also said that a full scale system that would work in the largest institutions has not come about. I was curious as to why that was the case?

Inside the Google Machine

I thought the model of where people where using the internet and in what languages in the beginning of the lecture was rather neat. I also think both Sergey and Larry explained information about their company well. Almost too well. I wouldn't mind if my company took me on vacation. It seemed almost like they were doing some recruiting at the lecture as well. I was rather impressed about the was the company goes about ideas and innovation. It would seem that anyone can try an idea out and if it is successful, great and if not, no one is losing sleep. I also liked the end comment that they feel their responsibility is to get good information for its users.

Muddiest Point:

In class this week we were discussing the IP addresses. I was curious who comes up with the sequence of numbers for the address and why are they in groups of four?


John said...

I agree that the google lecture was rather interesting. They explained new developments in the company very well, an average shlub like me understood, and I agree that it would be awesome to get a ski trip from my job, even if i had to take part in a cult picture

sr. becky said...

I too picked up on the thought you hand about innovation. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if one had a job that you could play at, it might take some of the stress out of the job.
Your analysis of a network within a network made sense to me. Sometimes you don’t think of what’s happening behind the scenes when you turn on the computer.

Daqing said...

for the IP address, i guess it is related to the bytes, and then people think that 4 bytes are pretty big number for IP addresses

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed the google lecture as well. I for one think working for google seems like a great place to work. I think it is a good idea to give employees free time to work on their own projects.