Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Comments for week 9

I commented on Susan's Blog:
I regards to your muddiest point, I am in agreement with you that this last assignment might be giving quite a few of us fits. It might help if you tackle it with the cheat sheet we had in the readings two weeks ago or so and also look at other people's online to figure out what does what. I think it might be the best way to tackle this and at least you know what works and does not from looking at other people's websites.

I commented on Peter's Blog:

If you are not an IT professional this stuff becomes very confusing, as it is for me. I think Dr. He clarified HTML pretty well in class, which made the readings make for sense. Let's hope it will be the same for XML.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Week 9 Readings

Introducing the Extensible Markup Language (XML)

This article was an overview of XML. From my understanding, XML was designed to make it easy to interchange structured documents over the Internet. I am assuming it is "better" than HTML, but not exactly sure. That is about all I got out of the article, unfortunately. I basically went right over my head.

A Survey of XML Standards: Part 1

This article summarized the most important XML technologies and how they fit into the greater scope of the XML world. The site also had explanations with tutorials and other references to use XML. There was a mass of information, but easier to muddle through than the first article.

Extending Your Markup: an XML tutorial

This article states that XML is important for presentation, exchange, and management of information. HTML is about layout and XML is about the content of the data. I thought the article had good examples and good references to resources, software, and material to help you on your way. I still do not feel I am very solid on the lingo.

XML Schema Tutorial

From what I gathered from this article, XML schema is the successors of DTD's, whatever those are. The article also gives listings of what XML schema can do for you. It also provides examples and comparisons between simple XML document, DTD file, and XML schema as well as more details such as elements, attributes, and values. Hopefully at some point I will see the Holy Grail in all of this and it will make sense.

Muddiest Point:
How did someone come up with the color code for HTML? I was confused as to why it is in numeric code instead of written?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Week 8 Readings

W3 schools HTML Tutorial

I thought this article was a nice step by step on how to use HTML. There were lots of examples, which was nice. The tutorial mentioned that us can use HTML or HTML extension and I am not really sure what that really is. Maybe when I create a website I will figure it out.

HTML Cheat sheet

I do not really have a whole lot to say about this site. It basically had a list of what you need to type in HTML and what effect it will have. It was very straight forward.

W3 School Cascading Style Sheet Tutorial

First, I would like to say I have never heard of CSS, but then again I have also never made a website or did any programming. I think it is one of those things, that if you start using it, it will make more sense. From my understanding CSS defines how things are displayed and all major browsers support CSS. That is what I got out of the tutorial. There were many examples, which basically went over my head.

Beyond HTML

What stood out to me in this article was the fact that the Georgia State University library had a ridiculously crappy system as of 2000! Not to mention the library liaisons did not seem to care about the fact it was so bad and kept on producing really bad stuff. I would think if you had a group of people who did not want to make their site any better, why not have someone come in a get it fixed sooner instead of waiting three years? I just do not understand how there were no standards, management or oversight. Other than that it seems that the CMS system works rather well and sets a standard and is easy to use. Unfortunately it is not an universally adopted system.

Muddiest Point

When people "steal" other people's internet and are looking up repulsive and illegal things like child pornography and the authorities discover this, does it get traced back to the person who is paying for the internet or can it be traced to the person who actually is committing the crime?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Jing Project

Here is my screencast URL for part I:

I thought it would be easier to watch with the flicker slide show:

And here are my pictures for part II:


Friday, October 3, 2008

Week 7 Comments

I commented on Joan's blog:


I also found it interesting to contemplate that no one really "owns" the internet. It would be nice if someone companies did get together and came up with a universal library system, but realistically, I don't ever see that happening. Just working in the hotel industry, each department had their own computer system besides the general hotel one and that was at one place! Cheers to hoping.

I commented on Lauren's blog:

You are very right about taking a step back and thinking about how far we have come with the internet in such a short time.

I also liked the Google presentation.
It does go to show the world will not be taken over by Hal or some other computer because there will always be need for the human thought process. Whew! Safe for now!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Week 7 Readings

How Internet Infrastructure Works-Jeff Tyson

This article was a basic informative overview of the structure of the internet, domain name servers, network access points and how they connect and work with other systems and components. I never really thought of the internet being a network of networks, but I guess it is. I also did not know there were different levels of domain names, so I thought that was pretty neat as well.

Dismantling Integrated Library Systems-Andrew Pace

I found this article slightly difficult to get through. The article discussed the changes from the traditional integrated library system to a much more sophisticated system. There are many options, but libraries need to figure out what will best suit their institution and at what cost, with the idea of integration being the key. I was curious about the information about open source software. It obviously allows libraries to offer more services, but the article also said that a full scale system that would work in the largest institutions has not come about. I was curious as to why that was the case?

Inside the Google Machine

I thought the model of where people where using the internet and in what languages in the beginning of the lecture was rather neat. I also think both Sergey and Larry explained information about their company well. Almost too well. I wouldn't mind if my company took me on vacation. It seemed almost like they were doing some recruiting at the lecture as well. I was rather impressed about the was the company goes about ideas and innovation. It would seem that anyone can try an idea out and if it is successful, great and if not, no one is losing sleep. I also liked the end comment that they feel their responsibility is to get good information for its users.

Muddiest Point:

In class this week we were discussing the IP addresses. I was curious who comes up with the sequence of numbers for the address and why are they in groups of four?