Friday, November 14, 2008


I commented on Nate's blog:


I would have to agree with you on the Deep Web. Wouldn't it make everyone's life a bit easier if Google and other large search engine websites did some deep penetration (sorry needed to get my Madden in)and make available more relevant information for research?

I commented on E. Griswold's blog:

I thought the second article was interesting as well. It seemed initially that IT and librarians got along just fine until the internet showed up. It just ruined a potentially beautiful relationship. Why can't we all just get along...

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Muddiest Point

I understand with controlled vocabulary, websites cannot different between homonym meanings. I was wondering if one but an adjective of adverb with the respective homonym, such as record sound, Apple computer, or polish shoes, if the website would be able to differentiate these meaning easier.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Assignment 6

Here is my link for my website. I could not get it on the server, but at least it is somewhere in cyberspace. Thank you to everyone in LIS2600 who gave suggestions and helped me accomplish this small feat.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Week 10 Comments

I commented on Eric's Blog:

I thought the article about the deep web was interesting. I just don't understand why there are not more projects researching it if it is known that the information is much better. I would think it would be much more beneficial for everyone.

I commented on Lauren's Blog:

You did an excellent job in summing up the point's of the articles. It definitely makes some of the confusing "deep" information easily understood. Thank you also for some great links!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Readings for Week 10

Web Search Engines

I thought this article was interesting. It is so amazing to me how quickly a system can filter through so much information and supply results in a few seconds. The only problem is the relevance of the results of the search or inquiry. The information about indexing algorithms and so on went a bit over my head, but I believe I understood the general basic information the article was trying to supply.

OAI Protocol for Harvesting Metadata

This article discussed trends and developments in harvesting metadata. The OAI world is divided into either data providers or service providers. It also discussed the challenges of the service providers and ideas to cut down on the problems. I liked reading about the different projects universities around the country are doing, especially the four that are digitizing sheet music. Overall I thought this article was pretty interesting.

The Deep Web

This article discusses the problems with being able to find relative information with the wealth of information available. Traditional search engines could not retrieve information in the deep web, but according to the author, the value of the deep web is immeasurable. I was curious what exactly is considered "the deep web." In looking at the chart, a few sites that are considered deep web I found surprising, such as eBay and Amazon. The article was interesting, but the more I read the more I felt that "the deep web" was a mystical place or similar to the black hole. Maybe there will be a cheesy sci-fi thriller entitled "The Deep Web" or maybe that is Captain Ahab's next adventure.

Muddiest Point

With mark up, do you have to use a code to indicate color, like HTML, or just write it? I was also curious if you needed a HTML basis before you use mark up?